Monday, April 7, 2008

the grass is always greener...

or is it? i always wondered why things never really happened the way i wanted them for instance, i never got the window seat in my kindergarten class, i never got appointed class monitor in school, i always had to read in english class, every class, every year, was always passed over to represent my school in competitions outside, never got into the college i wanted, never got asked out by the guy i liked, got cheated on by my boyfriend of 8 years, hate the job i'm at...whew...the list is so long that i would be in a mental institution for chronic depression...
i always thought that this girl in my school had it and pretty, smart, kind and intelligent(topped every exam). she went abroad for her still with the guy she was dating in high school... u get the picture...
a few days ago i met her on one of her trips home...she looked great in her gucci top, levis and jimmy choo shoes. i had nothing branded on...same old tailored suit i wear to work...over a sandwich and ice cream i told her that i always envied her for all she was and all she had...
she smiled...i saw her smiling after 7 years...she told me how good a life i was leading...
i was with my family in my own country...was earning my own keep and living off it in luxury...was not in a violent relationship with a cheat and a psycho...and then she cried...i saw her cry for the first time...she held my hand and told me..."just thank God that he didn't answer all ur prayers"

1 comment:

Iftaf said...

It is really very tough to understand the life. Again, it is tough to know where we will stay in the race of life. So better to follow the basics of life and maintain the pace.
Follow the basics in every corner of life. Sometimes, you/I may be in loss/negative. But at the end of this journey, summation of everything should be positive. Forget negative, do positive.

Draw the graph, even the slop is lesser than that of others, maintain the stamina... you will attain the altitude... and then ---- stay there forever!!!!!

sahi funda hai ki nahi?